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Free download - a short story by John Morey


Click on the above title for your free short story download - or for more stories try 'READ MY SHORTS' as eBook, paperback and hardback.

Adapted from a real-life incident, the story unfolds after a peregrine falcon's dramatic stoop to capture its unfortunate prey. 

Located one afternoon at The Bowling Green Nature Reserve just outside Topsham, Devon, it fictionalizes an imaginary conversation that might have taken place - if only animals could talk.

For the aspiring novel writer, it is an exercise in perspective - and how it can create a totally different result for the reader.

For the original scene, you might wish to read Rose: The Missing Years.


Here is an excerpt.

More tips on How to write and Dialogue

PLEASE NOTE: The original scene in 'The Missing Years' features human characters, whereas the short story taken from it uses animals personified with human characteristics and voices.

The free download also serves as an exercise in storytelling using mainly dialogue. Click Peregrine the Peregrine to activate.

Read my shorts - short stories and poems - thoughtful and entertaining

READ MY SHORTS is an anthology of author John Morey's short stories, poems - plus a bonus section featuring memoirs, recollections and some local history of Blaby - which is a one of the main locations for the 'Love should never be this hard' series. 

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