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How I published my e-book on Kindle Direct

Why you should self-publish - quicker - easier - cheaper

  • Kindle Direct Publishing - check it out

  • Start with the e-book format

  • Computer literacy - an essential

  • Judge a book by its cover

  • Upload your digital manuscript - no charge

  • Publish and offer for sale - no charge

  • Commission payable - only when you make a sale

  • Use links from e-books to promote sales

  • Order and check samples immediately for errors

  • Instant corrections; instant revisions

Union Inn Glen Parva Leicester before it

Real settings add realism. This is The Union Inn, Glen Parva, before it became The County Arms

This is for guidance only and covers my own personal experience of self-publishing.

For the definitive instructions on all the processes leading up to creating and selling on Kindle, you must go to the Amazon Kindle web page.

You have written your book. Now what?


You can find the Kindle self-publishing services via your Amazon account. This gives you access to the Kindle Create software, providing a step-by-step guide taking the Word document on which you have written your book, making it into an e-book, which you then publish for sale on Amazon.

Paperback version

Once you create your Kindle e-book version you can use the same file, submitting it to Amazon to make it available in printed format.

Allow up to two weeks before it is available for sale as a paperback.

You do have to be computer literate, otherwise it really is as simple as that.

However, the notes opposite should also prove helpful once you write your own book.

More on:   e-book publishing 

More on:    Printing in paperback

                            ~ * ~
* The front cover is VERY important
It 'sells' the book in ways that your description cannot, sets the mood and is a deal-breaker.

Consider using a professional designer.

* Add links from your book details pages

These can link to other books you have published; to your website (and other online places where you feature); invite readers to leave a review.

* Order your own sample paperbacks

These can be used as review copies; free copies for friends; book signings; to check for errors and to ensure you are satisfied.

* How much do paperbacks cost to produce?

Finding Rose is 124 pages of text plus 4 cover pages; 5 copies cost me just over £12.50.


* No up-front costs for e-books or paperbacks

Amazon/Kindle take a commission based on your cover price; this % varies depending on which of their services you use. From my experience they tend to be better terms than most conventional publishing deals.

Self-publish your book in under two months - see this example...

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